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Dog Checkups & Preventive Care

Is Cancer Ever Preventable in Dogs?

Dr. Phil Zeltzman, DVM, DACVS, CVJDog Checkups & Preventive Care Kelly Serfas, a Certified Veterinary Technician in Bethlehem, PA, contributed to this article. Cancer is one of the scariest words a pet lover can hear. Today, pet parents are taking better and better care of pets: Offering better food, providing more consistent vaccination protection, better […]

Dog Checkups & Preventive Care

What Not to Feed Your Dog at the Holidays

In the holiday movie “A Christmas Story,” the bumbling father played by Gavin McCloud walks into the kitchen only to see the neighbor’s dogs beat a hasty retreat — carrying the feast with them. While it’s a hilarious scene in the movie, it’s not one I would ever want to see in real life. Pets may not always “get” the holidays, but we do know they are drawn to the delicious smells and tastes of a feast, even if it is a tofurkey. It’s for this reason, unfortunately, that emergency veterinarians find themselves with much more business over the holidays.Holiday feasts are often marked by excess.

Dog Checkups & Preventive Care

My New Year’s Resolution: A Stronger Dog Bond

It’s a brand new year and time to think about resolutions. You may have already considered things like losing weight, quitting a bad habit, or learning a new skill, but how about resolving to make a stronger bond with your dog? Here are 12 ways to do just that in 2017. I’ve offered one tip to focus on each month, but any of these ideas can be used year-round for a healthier pet relationship!Set aside time in January: We get so busy with our work and personal lives that it’s easy to put off spending time with the dog.


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