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As Mother’s Day approaches, the pet-loving community has their own special occasion to look forward to. Dog moms are finally getting the recognition they deserve with their own national holiday celebrating women and their dogs on Saturday, May 8th!

During the second Saturday in May, National Dog Mom’s Day sends out a chorus of yips, barks, and howls of praise for all the dog mommas!
In September 2019, The Washington Post reported that three-quarters of Americans in their thirties—prime childbearing years—own dogs. In addition, “millennials, roughly defined as the generation born between 1980 and 2000, are half as likely to be married or living with a partner than they were 50 years ago. They are also delaying parenthood and demanding flexible work arrangements, all of which, researchers say, has translated to higher rates of pet ownership.”
It seems as though more women today are choosing to have a dog instead of having a child, and although the reasons for this may vary, one thing is for sure: Dog moms will go above and beyond for their four-legged companions. Being a dog mom is certainly an important job and there have been many studies that prove mothering a dog has some valid correlations with mothering a child.

With this said, as this year’s Mother’s Day approaches, the pet-loving community has a new special occasion to look forward to. Dog moms are finally getting the recognition they deserve with their own national holiday celebrating women and their dogs on Saturday, May 8th!
Dog moms have been asking for a Dog Mom’s Day on social media and on dog blogs for years. The creation of this separate day emphasizes the respect for all moms and their right to showcase the love of their kids – fur or not. And, in 2018 Dog Mom’s Day was officially listed on the National Day Calendar, being celebrated on the second Saturday in May each year.

Dig created this day to celebrate and thank the dog moms who dedicate their love and support every day to their dogs. It’s a different, special and visceral love that deserves its own day to be recognized and appreciated. Every year, dog moms are reprimanded for celebrating their motherhood on Mother’s Day. Dog Mom’s Day will be a day truly dedicated to the dog moms, foster dog moms, and future dog moms.
“Our pups may not surprise us with breakfast in bed or a handmade macaroni noodle card, but instead we wake up to a lovable dog jumping to greet us with sloppy puppy kisses. But we don’t care because our hearts are so full of love for these fur-kids!” – Hilarious Hound
About Dig – The Dog Person’s Dating App
Dig is an iOS dating app for dog lovers and dog owners. If you’re lucky enough to own a pup, you know that things never work out with someone if they’re not as into your dog as you are. So, Dig founders Casey and Leigh Isaacson built the first dating app that connects dog people based on what’s most important to them. Dig has unique features to help plan a dog friendly date, features a daily deal from pet companies, and promotes rescue and foster groups at all Dig events.