18 Dogs That Definitely Made Santa’s Naughty List!
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They may have landed themselves squarely on Santa’s naughty list this year, but these 18 dogs are still very good boys and girls!
Uhhhh…. it wasn’t me? 🙄😜👅 #momspissed #badidea
#myday summed up in one single picture. #bradyboosprocketseverns #baddog #dogsofinstagram #hesinthedoghouse #byebye #gingerbreadhouse
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Haha hey mom remember this!!!? Oh memories!! Woof! Throwback! •••••••••#dogsofinstagram #baddog #englishshepherd #christmastree
Found the remains of a brand new bag of treats strewn across the apartment. Thanks @nest for helping us solve the mystery. #baddog #butwelovehim • • • #goldendoodlelife #goldendoodlesofig #goldendoodlepup #dogbesties #ilovemydoodle #f1b #goldendoodle #minigoldendoodles #nycdogs #puppylovers #goldendoodlecentral #goldendoodlesrule #groodle #goldendoodlemoments #doodletales #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #dogstagram
#caught being a #baddog playing under the tree 🐶🎄 #cockapoo #cutedogs #cockapoosofinstagram #dogsofinstagram
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Wanna get to know me? Fun fact #1: Christmas ornaments are my chewy of choice when Mom and dad aren’t home 🎄 (That’s what they get for leaving me at home for sushi) #glittermakesmehappy #glittermakeseverythingbetter #christmastree #ohchristmastree #merrychristmas #baddog #pearlywhites #feeltherainbow #tastetherainbow
I have voices that speak to me dad !!! They tell me to do bad things 😈 // Tengo voces que me hablan papá!!! Me dicen que haga cosas malas❗️ #perromalo #baddog #navidad #christmas #grinch #josealfredo #doglover #parsonrussell #parsonrussellterrier #parsonrussellsofinstagram #russellterrier #russellofinstagram #parson #parsonrussellworld #Russell #terrier #instadog #Doggy #doggydog #doggylife #perroschile #dog #perro #doglover #chile #iphone #iphone6s @parsonrussellsofinstagram @dogs.lovers @insta_puppies
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It’s Monday……I hate when this happens! #mondays #bummer #baddog #funny #ha #poorbaby #butitwasfunwhileitlasted #santa
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When ‘sharing your mom’s taste in footwear’ has a SLIGHTLY different meaning. #ughmyuggs Congrats on the feature @noxyouraveragebear 🎉🎉 #blamethecat Follow us and tag #talesofalab for your chance to have your #thecatdidit photos featured!
Came home from lunch to find a fallen tree and what seems like some with a guilty conscious. #archer #archibaldhenderson #chocolatelab #labrador #christmas #mansbestfriend #christmastree #guilty #thecatdidit
The cat did it! What do you mean “we don’t have a cat”?! 🎃💚 #itwasntme #thecatdidit #couldntresist #sorrynotsorry
So someone couldn’t wait until Christmas. 😑 #dogs #thegrinch #thedogatechristmas
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Will your dog be on Santa’s naughty list, too?