The Sometimes Surprising But Totally True Nature of Pit Bulls
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Breed Specific Legislation (or BSL) is still very common and widespread across the country. Proponents of BSL say Pit Bulls have inherent characteristics that make them dangerous, that these dogs should be banned from hearts and homes around the world forever.
Still many argue against banning them.
Here’s the truth about the inherent nature of Pit Bulls:
They look better in your clothes than you do.
This isn’t spring time weather! I need my hoody to go for my walk still! #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #pitsofinstagram #pitbullsofig #dontbullymybreed #mansbestfriend #dogsofinstagram #dogs #banbsl #endbsl #bslsucks #bslcansuckit #doglover #dogsofig #instadog #ilovedogs #bullybreed #bullylove #ilovedogs #ilovepitbulls #pittiesofinsta #endlovabullhate #ourpitpage #dogs_of_world #bullyinstafeature #bullyinstagram #dbmp #pitbulllovers
They’ll definitely steal your spot on the couch.
A photo posted by Hammer (@apitnamedhammer) on Mar 21, 2016 at 10:34am PDT
They’re always baring their teeth at you.
It is impossible for my human to have any time to herself. As soon as she does, I bark and bat her on the knee with my paw until she caves in and rubs my tummy 😅 #spoiledfurbaby #alwaysgettingwhatiwant #noonesaysnotome #cute #dog #staffordshirebullterrier #pitbull #mix #instadog #instastaff #instapit #handsomeboy #teamfloppyears #beautifuleyes #goldenoldie #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #cuteface #hellofriends #follow #dante
Good luck getting any work done with this beast in your seat.
When you leave the room for a minute and he steals your seat 😂#cute #pitbull
A photo posted by caitlin contino (@caitee_anne) on Mar 21, 2016 at 9:53am PDT
They hog the remote.
I can’t even run to the kitchen for a snack without losing my spot to this guy. He’s lucky he’s so cute or I would never tolerate this thievery. #sweetdreams #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #pitsagram #petsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #lovemydog #theif
They obviously can’t be trusted around other dogs.
Sass as a baby 🐶 We didn’t rescue her until 6 months and she already had mange really bad so I only have a handful of pictures of her as a sweet little baby 🐶💕 #pitbull #pitbullpuppy #dontbullymybreed #vizsla #vizslapuppy #vizslagram #velcrovizsla #bullylove #puppylove #adoptdontshop #rescuedog #lifeisbetterwithadog #dog #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #sassylassy #sassydog #cutie #spoiledrottenandlovingit #whorescuedwho #dogsareawesome #littleham #sillypup #sassafras_the_pitbull #muttskickbutt #pitmix #dogsofig #babysass
A photo posted by Sassafras (@sassafras_the_pitbull) on Mar 21, 2016 at 8:47am PDT
And, don’t even dare let them around a cat!
♡ #animallove #pitbull #cuddling #lovemonday
Good luck eating ice cream without an audience ever again.
E chi studia più ..#cuba #pitbull #americanpitbull #icecream
A photo posted by Giulia Gritti (@giuligritti) on Mar 21, 2016 at 7:46am PDT
Or any other meal for that matter.
Broccoli, Lentils and a PitBull on the side! #dogsofinstagram #pitbull
Two words: Bed hogs.
SIIIIM, eu sirvo de travesseiro pra vcs 😱❤😍😍😍 mds nao resisto a tanta fofura. Esses bebes só dormem ne gnt😂😂 #instadog #pitbull #cachorro #amordecao #maedepitbull
A photo posted by Bianca Caroline Baron (@biancacbaron.bb) on Mar 21, 2016 at 6:14am PDT
You’ll probably get attacked. With kisses.
#pitbull #domino
A photo posted by Nádia Fialho (@nadiafialho) on Mar 21, 2016 at 5:37am PDT
Your children aren’t safe.
Ontem tina esses dois pedintes, carentes na porta da minha cozinha… O que faço com eles? Os dois devem ter caídos de uma mudança… #bomdia #boasemana #foradilma #foralula #forapt #rednose #rednosepitbull #pitbullrednose #pitbull #pitbulladvocate #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbullandbaby #pitbullandkids #pitbulllife #pitbulllove #pitbullpuppy #dog #dogandkids #dogandbaby #dogsofinstagram #dogpuppy
A photo posted by Anderson Zicamu (@zicamu) on Mar 21, 2016 at 5:22am PDT
Especially babies.
All of the riches in the entire universe don’t even begin to compare to how much my first fur baby and first human baby mean to me.
Seriously?! Who even sleeps like that?
And he’s snoring…. #brokendog #amstaff #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #labrador #amstaffxlab #amstaffsofinstagram
A photo posted by @oliveandmanny on Mar 21, 2016 at 5:10am PDT
So, please, hurry to your nearest shelter and give a home to one of the very best friends you’ll ever know.
I’m not leaving this bed! #snowday #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbullpuppy #pitbulllove #pitbull #pitty #puppylove #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #lazydog #cozyplace #cuddles #adoptdontshop #adorable
A photo posted by Beans NM (@beaniethepitty) on Mar 21, 2016 at 4:41am PDT
Do you share your heart and home with a vicious pit bull? Tell us about him or her in a comment below.
And, SHARE this article to show everyone else the TRUE nature of pibbles.